Christian virtues & character
•Abundant life
◦John 10:10
◦Romans 13:1-7
◦Titus 3:1
◦2 Corinthians 7:1
◦Romans 12:1,2
◦Philippians 4:11-13
◦1 Timothy 6:6
◦Psalm 27:14
◦Romans 12:11
◦Luke 20:21-25
◦Luke 21:9-19
◦2 Timothy 2:3
◦Matthew 8:5-13
◦Mark 11:22-24
◦Matthew 25:23
◦Mark 11:25,26
◦Ephesians 4:31,32
◦John 8:31-36
◦John 15:1-8
◦Titus 2:11-14
◦Matthew 5:3-12
◦1 Peter 1:13-16
◦2 Corinthians 8:21
•Honor: Parents, others
◦Ephesians 6:1-3
◦1 Peter 2:17
◦1 Peter 1:13
◦Luke 18:9-14
◦Philippians 2:3-11
◦Luke 10:20
◦John 15:11
◦Colossians 3:12,13
◦John 9:4
◦Luke 10:27
◦1 Corinthians 13
◦Genesis 1:28
◦Genesis 2:18,24
◦Exodus 20:14
◦Proverbs 31:10-31
◦Matthew 5:27-28
◦Matthew 19:3-9
◦1 Corinthians 7:2-5
◦Ephesians 5:22-33
◦Hebrews 13:4
◦John 14:15-24
◦Acts 5:29
◦John 16:33
◦Hebrews 10:36
◦John 14:27
◦Romans 12:18
◦Mark 13:5-13
◦Luke 11:1-13
◦Ephesians 6:18
•Pure thinking
◦Philippians 4:8
◦Psalms 42
◦Matthew 6:9-13
◦1 Thessalonians 5:17
◦James 5:16
◦Matthew 5:27-32
◦2 Timothy 2:22
•Reading the Bible
◦John 5:39
◦Psalm 1:2
◦Psalm 119:97
◦Ephesians 6:10-18
◦Matthew 5:6
◦Matthew 6:33
◦Philippians 1:9,10
◦1 Corinthians 15:58
◦1 Corinthians 4:2
◦2 Corinthians 9:6,7
◦1 Thessalonians 5:6-8
◦Psalm 37:3-5
◦Proverbs 3:5,6
◦John 14:6
◦John 17:17
◦Ephesians 4:14,15
◦1 Corinthians 15:57
◦1 John 5:4
◦Mark 13:34-37
◦John 4:23,24
◦Romans 12:11
Where to look when
◦Psalm 34:4
◦Matthew 10:28
◦2 Timothy 1:7
◦Hebrews 13:5,6
◦Psalm 46
◦Matthew 6:19-34
◦Philippians 4:6
◦1 Peter 5:6,7
◦Psalm 51
◦1 John 1:4-9
◦Matthew 5:4
◦2 Corinthians 1:3,4
•Bitter - Critical
◦1 Corinthians 13
•Conscious of sin
◦Proverbs 28:13
◦Romans 8:31-39
◦Psalm 34
•Disaster threatens
◦Psalm 91
◦Psalm 118:5,6
◦Luke 8:22-25
◦Psalm 23
◦Psalm 42:6-11
◦Psalm 55:22
◦Matthew 5:11,12
◦2 Corinthians 4:8-18
◦Philippians 4:4-7
◦Matthew 8:26
◦Hebrews 11
•Facing crisis
◦Psalm 121
◦Matthew 6:25-34
◦Hebrews 11
•Faith fails
◦Psalm 42:5
◦Hebrews 11
•Friends fail
◦Psalm 41:9-13
◦Luke 17:3,4
◦Romans 12:14,17,19,21
◦2 Timothy 4:16-18
•Leaving home
◦Psalm 121
◦Matthew 10:16-20
◦Psalm 23
◦Hebrews 13:5,6
•Needing God's protection
◦Psalm 27:1-3
◦Psalm 91
◦Philippians 4:19
•Needing guidance
◦Psalm 32:8
◦Proverbs 3:5,6
•Needing peace
◦John 14:1-4
◦John 16:33
◦Romans 5:1-5
◦Philippians 4:6,7
•Needing rules for life
◦Romans 12
◦Psalm 6
◦Romans 8:31-39
◦1 John 1:4-9
◦Psalm 4
◦Psalm 42
◦Luke 11:1-13
◦John 17
◦1 John 5:14,15
◦Psalm 18:1-3
◦Psalm 34:7
•Sick - In pain
◦Psalm 38
◦Matthew 26:39
◦Romans 5:3-5
◦2 Corinthians 12:9,10
◦1 Peter 4:12,13,19
◦Psalm 51
◦Matthew 5:4
◦John 14
◦2 Corinthians 1:3,4
◦1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
◦Psalm 1
◦Psalm 139:23,24
◦Matthew 26:41
◦1 Corinthians 10:12-14
◦Philippians 4:8
◦James 4:7
◦2 Peter 2:9,3:17
◦Psalm 100
◦1 Thessalonians 5:18
◦Hebrews 13:15
◦Psalm 121
•Trouble, in
◦Psalm 16+31
◦John 14:1-4
◦Hebrews 7:25
◦Psalm 90
◦Matthew 11:28-30
◦1 Corinthians 15:58
◦Galatians 6:9,10
◦Matthew 6:19-34
◦1 Peter 5:6,7
Teachings about life's problems
◦Matthew 5:27-32
◦Exodus 20:14
◦1 Corinthians 6:9-10
◦1 Corinthians 6:18-19
◦1 Corinthians 7:2-5
◦1 Thessalonians 4:3-5
◦Hebrews 13:4
◦Genesis 37-50
◦Matthew 10:16-39
◦Romans 8:28
◦Philippians 4:7
◦Hebrews 13:5
◦Matthew 5:22-24
◦Ephesians 4:25-5:2
◦Matthew 6:19-34
◦Luke 18:9-14
◦Exodus 20:17
◦Mark 7:21-23
◦Matthew 15:17-20
◦John 11:25,26
◦John 3:19-21
◦2 Peter 2
◦Matthew 5:31-32
◦Matthew 19:3-12
◦1 Corinthians 7:10-16
◦Mark 10:2-12
◦Matthew 14:28-31
◦Luke 21:34-36
◦Galatians 5:19-26
◦Ephesians 5:15-18
◦Luke 14:15-24
◦1 Timothy 6:7-12
•Fault finding
◦Matthew 7:1-5
◦Luke 12:5
◦Romans 13:14
◦Luke 12:15-31
•Hatred / Enemies
◦Matthew 5:43-48
◦Matthew 23:27,28
◦Matthew 7:1
•Life Issues (Abortion, End of Life)
◦Genesis 9:5-6
◦Exodus 20:13
◦Deuteronomy 32:39
◦Psalm 31:15
◦Psalm 139:13-16
◦Jeremiah 1:5
◦Luke 6:31
◦Ephesians 4:32
◦Hebrews 9:27
◦1 John 3:15
•Lip service
◦Matthew 7:21
◦Mark 4:18,19
◦Luke 14:11
◦Luke 18:11,12
◦John 8:34-36
◦1 Peter 2:13-17
◦Colossians 3:8
◦John 16:33
◦1 John 2:15-17
As part of the Pastoral Work in our church we have a group of people who regularly pray in their private prayer time for our church and other concerns. If you have anything or anyone you would like us to pray for or if you would like us to pray for you on Sunday mornings please email your prayer request to -
If you feel the need to speak to someone confidentially or would like a Pastoral Visitor, please telephone our minister -
Rev’d Richard Towle - 01942 206806
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